Nina Ashby

Psychic and Tarot reader
Born in New York City, USA, even as a child Nina could see colors around people, objects and other living things, though she didn’t know at the time what she was seeing.
Nina studied art at University, and understood then that to be an artist it was crucial to keep her perceptions open.
This inspired her to spend many years training in the art and science of perception and eventually drew her into the alternative careers of Energy Healing and professional Psychic Reading. From here, her learning took her through Spiritual Philosophy, Meditation, various forms of bodywork and Energy Healing, Psychology, NLP and Hypnotherapy, Yoga, Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Dowsing, Cards and Psychic studies, including Mediumship and all levels of psychic perception and Channelling.
Since moving to the UK in 1983, Nina has became actively involved as a Consultant Member of the British Astrological & Psychic Society (BAPS), a professional organisation that was formed in 1976 to represent the Astrological and Psychic Profession to the public. She served on their Executive Committee over the years in many positions: President, Vice President, Consultant Director, Mercury Editor, Treasurer and their Chairman until its closure in 2018.